

管材货架 圆管货架 方管货架 异型管货架 长货物货架(图)
Radial telescopic cantilever racking is also called cantilevered shelves. This shelf is on the basis of fixed cantilever racking perfect. Each layer of the cantilever has free expansion, the height can adjust, tear open outfit is more convenient. Suitable for storing long, bulky goods and irregular goods, especially suitable for storage, tubing, molding, plate to fit the space is little, big warehouse storage, easy to manage, broaden horizon. Convenient access to goods, save time, improve work efficiency.

伸缩式悬臂货架 摇臂式货架分单面和双面摇臂式伸缩悬臂货架存储长货物 管材 板材河南摇臂式悬臂货架悬臂式货架可100%伸缩伸缩摇臂式货架


    • 联系电话:15822379885
    • 手机号码:15822379885
    • 联系人:胡林娟 女士
    • QQ:305203681
    • 邮箱:15822379885@163.com
    • 地址:天津西青开发区兴华路18号银湾广场
    • 网址:www.zhengyaojx.com
    版权所有:天津正耀机械公司   天津货架